City Board Meeting
September 12, 2024 6pm
Boating & Fishing Rules
City Hall: 660-699-3310 or 2270
M-F 8am-4:30pm
After Hours: 660-415-7330
660-346-9914 Or 7384
Manner of Operation of Motorboats
Every person operating a boat and/or motor on the Clarence City Lake shall operate the same in a careful and prudent manner and shall exercise the highest degree of care and at a rate of speed so as not to endanger the property of another or the life or limb of any person. No boat shall be operated in an excess of eight miles per hour on the Clarence City Lake.
Fishing permits
Per Day................................................$2.00
Yearly (City Resident)..........................$5.00
Yearly (Non-Resident).......................$10.00
If a State Fishing License is required, you are required to purchase a City Permit.
Take Limit In Any One Day:
The take limit in any one day by any one person of fish from the Clarence City Lake shall not be more than ten bass, either large or small mouth, which said bass shall not be less than six inches in length from the end of the nose to the fork of the tail of said bass. Any one person shall not take in excess of thirty (30) crappies in any one day and shall not be more than thirty (30) goggle-eyed, loud-mouth perch or bluegill. Provided however, that not more than a combined total one hundred (100) game fish of all species may be taken in any one calendar day by any one person and not more than twenty-five (25) pounds of bull head or mud cat, from the water of the Clarence City lake by any one person in any one calendar day.
The season or creel limit on any and all species of game fish not specifically mentioned shall conform with the laws of the State of Missouri and the rules and regulations of the Conservation Commission of the State of Missouri as pertaining to the same. Small or undersized fish must be immediately returned to the water of Clarence City Lake after they have been removed from the hook.
No person or persons shall take any channel catfish from the water of the Clarence City Lake that measures less than thirteen (13) inches in length from the end of the nose to the fork of the tail.